The Heart and the Mind

Girl holding heart

February is well known as “the heart month”. You know, eat right, exercise, watch your weight, etc. But what about our mental health? Is there a connection between a healthy heart and a broken heart?

If the symptoms of a broken heart are sadness, depression, anxiety, and disinterest in self care then absolutely. Not to get too deep but our body’s biochemical responses and possible corresponding behaviors such as lethargy, smoking, drinking, binge eating, lack of sleep, etc. can be tough on the old ticker.
Conversely, the good biochemical responses from, say, exercising, benefit the heart and the mind. Ironically a diseased heart is in the chest but a broken heart in the cranium. Just to top this off, I recently read that Cupid’s love interest was… wait for it.. Psyche! Look that up if you’re bored. So if you’re concerned about someone’s heart, be sure to see how things are going for them. Give them some love.

Happy Valentine’s Day and happy heart month from Native Reach™!