To be fair it’s mostly a garden to control weeds from an old horse pen.

I resolved just to till it, plant it, and hope for the best. Minimal effort. Not shockingly, most of my plants died. Of the zucchini, squash, and potatoes that survived, a few are ok but most will not reach their potential.

My garden needed more effort to foster an environment conducive to growth. Water, weeding, and fertilizer would have been good. I’ve been a terrible gardener. Yet, despite my lack of effort, I will get to enjoy some fruits of not much labor.

A few plants are actually making it. There are countless metaphors to this story. Resilience, reaping the fruits of your labor, etc. Feel free to make your own comparisons. For me, I’m just fortunate to have more than dandelions to eat. Although they can make for a decent salad.