Signs He Might Be Stressed

Stress affects both men and women. But the way men respond to stress is a different matter. For one, research shows men are less likely to report emotional and physical symptoms of stress.

Tap each flip box below to see the physical, psychological, and behavioral signs of stress common in men.

headache emoticon - Native Reach
constipation emoticon - Native Reach
diarrhea emoticon - Native Reach
sick emoticon - Native Reach
Upset stomach
heartburn emoticon - Native Reach
muscles emoticon - Native Reach
Muscle tension
pain emoticon - Native Reach
Neck, back or chest pain
fatigued emoticon - Native Reach
heart emoticon - Native Reach
Rapid heart rate
sad emoticon - Native Reach
Difficulty concentrating
eggplant emoticon - Native Reach
Trouble achieving or maintaining an erection
sad emoticon - Native Reach
angry emoticon - Native Reach
sad emoticon - Native Reach
Sadness or depression
glass of beer emoticon - Native Reach
Drug or alcohol misuse
eating pizza emoticon - Native Reach
Overeating or undereating
unsure emoticon - Native Reach
Social withdrawal or isolation
angry emoticon - Native Reach
tired emoticon - Native Reach
Exercising less
dollars flying away emoticon - Native Reach
angry emoticon - Native Reach
Clenching jaw or grinding teeth
crying emoticon - Native Reach
sleeping emoticon - Native Reach
Sleeping too much or too little
emoticon with no mouth - Native Reach
Obsessive compulsive behaviors